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Snake Plants

Snake Plants

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Result: 45 products. Who doesn’t love some easy-care air-purifying houseplants? We all do, don’t we? And the best bet for such plants is snake plants. Also known as the mother. . . read more >


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  • sansevieria trifasciata black gold - plant
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    Snake Plant, Sansevieria trifasciata Black Gold - Succulent Plant

    Description Sr Item name 1 Sansevieria trifasciata Black Gold, Snake Plant - Succulent Plant 2 6 inch (15 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)...

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About Snake Plants

Who doesn’t love some easy-care air-purifying houseplants? We all do, don’t we? And the best bet for such plants is snake plants.

Also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plants can adapt to a wide range of growing conditions. It can grow anywhere between 6 inches to several feet.

Like other succulent plants, they also help in filtering indoor air. But what’s interesting about this plant is that it can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen at night. This characteristic makes it an ideal bedroom companion. They also help in the removal of toxins.

A majority of them have stiff, sword-like leaves that are edged in silver, grey, or gold and represent artificial foliage. With numerous options to choose from, everyone is sure to find the perfect fit as per their taste in our vast collection.

Snake plants are relatively easy to care for after they have been propagated. Place them in shady areas and don't overwater them, especially in the winter.

It's actually preferable to let these plants dry out between waterings. If the plants are in a pot, a small amount of general-purpose fertiliser can be used, but that's it.

Some popular snake plants options are Sansevieria trifasciata black gold, Sansevieria trifasciata golden hahnii, and Sansevieria zeylanica.

They also help in repelling snakes and require little to no maintenance. At Nurserylive, we also offer gardening tools, miniature garden toys, pebbles, and gardening accessories that you could pair with your plants.

Why go for snake plants? They’re pleasing aesthetically and add that little health factor by purifying the air.

How To Take Care Of Your Snake Plants?

  • Partial sunlight is the key. Although snake plants can still grow in dark corners, it’s advisable to provide them with some sunlight so that they don’t dull or become floppy.
  • A well-drained pot is a must for snake plants. It’d avoid overwatering.

are snake plants toxic to dogs

The plants are more toxic to dogs and cats which can suffer from nausea vomiting and diarrhea.

Poisoning from snake plants is very unlikely to kill your pet since it is mildly toxic.

repotting a snake plant

Repotting a snake plant is extremely important when you see that your plant is outgrowing your current pot Dont bury snake plants too deeply while repotting them The plant should be placed at the same depth as it was in its previous container.

snake plant benefits

Snake plant benefits are numerous They are excellent air purifiers they are very drought tolerant low maintenance and have great decor elements.

snake plant fertilizer

Snake plant fertilizer requirements are also not so vast During the growing season feed with a balanced liquid slowrelease fertilizer or a moderate cactus fertiliser In the winter dont fertilise.

snake plant light requirements

Plants can grow in a wide range of light conditions from low to high They grow faster in brighter light but direct sunshine especially when plants are outside burns leaves.

snake plant oxygen

Snake plants absorb CO2 at night and produce oxygen They also absorb harmful pollutants in the air.

Snake Plant is a great indoor plant.

snake plant sunlight

Snake plant sunlight requirements are not so fancy Snake plants love bright indirect light but they may handle some direct sunshine as well .

watering a snake plant

Watering a snake plant needs not be a very elaborate plan in your routine Between waterings allow the soil to dry out Reduce watering to once a month or when the soil feels dry to the touch during the winter.

Snake plant care

Snake plants are known for their low maintenance requirements, making them a popular choice for indoor gardening enthusiasts. To care for your snake plant, make sure it receives bright, indirect sunlight and water it when the soil feels dry.

Snake plant varieties

Snake plants are a genus of plants that includes several different species, such as Sansevieria trifasciata and Sansevieria cylindrica. Each plant has its own unique characteristics and care requirements.

Snake plant soil

Snake plants prefer well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A mixture of potting soil, sand, and perlite is ideal for these plants.

Snake plant pruning

Pruning snake plants can help maintain their shape and promote healthy growth. Use sharp, clean pruning shears to remove any dead or damaged leaves and stems.

Snake plant pests

While snake plants are generally easy to care for, they can be susceptible to pests such as spider mites and mealybugs. Regularly inspect your plant for signs of infestation and treat promptly if necessary.

Snake plant fertilizer

Snake plants do not require much fertilizer, but can benefit from occasional feeding during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 months to promote healthy growth.

Snake plant propagation

Propagating snake plants can be done through division or leaf cuttings. Division involves separating the plant into smaller sections and replanting them in fresh soil. Leaf cuttings should be taken from a healthy plant and rooted in soil or water.

Snake plant lighting

Snake plants prefer bright, indirect light. They can also tolerate low light conditions, making them a great choice for indoor spaces with minimal natural light.

Snake plant humidity

Snake plants are tolerant of a wide range of humidity levels and do not require any special attention in this regard.

Snake plant temperature

Snake plants prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). Avoid placing them near cold drafts or hot air vents.

Snake plant toxic

Snake plants are toxic to pets and humans if ingested. Keep them out of reach of pets and children.

Snake plant color

Snake plants have long, upright leaves that are typically green with yellow or white stripes.

Snake plant origin

Snake plants are native to tropical regions of West Africa.

Snake plant size

Snake plants can range in size from small tabletop plants to large floor plants. Choose a size that fits your space and needs.

Snake plant water

Snake plants prefer to be on the dry side and can rot if overwatered. Water when the soil feels dry and avoid letting the plant sit in standing water.

Snake plant flowering

Snake plants can produce small, fragrant flowers in the right conditions. However, they are primarily grown for their attractive foliage.

Snake plant pattern

Snake plants have a distinctive leaf pattern, with long, upright leaves that are often striped or speckled.

Snake plant pruning for propagation

Pruning can also be used as a method of propagation for snake plants. By taking leaf cuttings and rooting them in soil or water, you can create new plants and expand your collection.

Snake plant repotting

Snake plants should be repotted every 1-2 years to provide fresh soil and room for growth. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and fill with fresh potting mix.

Snake plant symbolism

Snake plants are often associated with good luck and longevity. They are believed to bring positive energy.


What are Snake Plants?

Snake Plants, also known as Sansevieria, are a popular houseplant with long, upright leaves and a unique appearance.

How do I care for my Snake Plant?

Snake Plants require low to bright, indirect sunlight, moderate watering, and occasional fertilization to thrive. They prefer well-draining soil and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures.

What is the best time to plant Snake Plants?

Snake Plants can be planted any time of the year in India, as they are primarily grown indoors.

How often should I water my Snake Plant?

Snake Plants require infrequent watering, as they prefer drier soil. Water them deeply once every 2-3 weeks, depending on the weather conditions.

How can I fertilize my Snake Plant?

You can use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer to feed your Snake Plant. Apply it every two months during the growing season.

Can Snake Plants grow in low light conditions?

Yes, Snake Plants can tolerate low light conditions and can even grow in artificial light.

How do I prune my Snake Plant?

Prune your Snake Plant by removing any dead or damaged leaves or dividing the plant if it has become too large for its pot.

How do I propagate my Snake Plant?

Snake Plants can be propagated through leaf cuttings or division. Cut a healthy leaf and plant it in moist soil, or divide the plant by separating the roots and replanting them in separate pots.

How do I prevent pests and diseases on my Snake Plant?

To prevent pests and diseases on your Snake Plant, make sure to keep the soil relatively dry and avoid overwatering the plant. Use organic pesticides if necessary.

How long do Snake Plants live?

Snake Plants can live for several years if provided with proper care and maintenance.

How do I store my Snake Plant during the winter?

Snake Plants can be kept indoors year-round in India, as they prefer warm and humid conditions.

Can Snake Plants grow in shade?

Snake Plants can grow in shade, but they prefer bright and indirect sunlight.

How do I plant Snake Plant cuttings?

Snake Plant cuttings should be planted in well-draining soil and kept relatively dry until they root. They can then be transplanted into their permanent pot or garden bed.

Can Snake Plants grow outdoors?

Snake Plants can be grown outdoors in India, as long as the climate is warm and humid.

How do I control pests on my Snake Plant?

To control pests on your Snake Plant, use organic pesticides and insecticidal soap. You can also manually remove any pests you see on the plant.

How do I deal with yellowing leaves on my Snake Plant?

Yellowing leaves on Snake Plants can be a sign of overwatering or nutrient deficiencies. Check the soil moisture levels and fertilize the plant as needed.

How do I revive wilted Snake Plants?

To revive wilted Snake Plants, make sure they are receiving adequate water and sunlight. Check the soil moisture levels and adjust your watering schedule if necessary. Pruning the plant can also help.

How do I transplant my Snake Plant?

Transplant your Snake Plant by carefully removing it from its current pot and replanting it in a larger container with fresh soil.

How do I make sure my Snake Plant is not root-bound?

To make sure your Snake Plant is not root-bound, repot it every 1-2 years and check the roots for signs of overcrowding.

How do I make sure my Snake Plant is not overwatered?

To make sure your Snake Plant is not overwatered, allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering and avoid waterlogging the plant.

Can Snake Plants grow in terrariums?

Snake Plants can be grown in terrariums, but they may require additional care and maintenance to thrive.

How do I make my Snake Plant bushier?

Make your Snake Plant bushier by regularly pruning the stems and providing it with adequate sunlight and nutrients.

How do I protect my Snake Plant from cold weather?

Snake Plants should be kept indoors or in a warm, protected area during cold weather.

How do I make sure my Snake Plant is not exposed to direct sunlight?

To make sure your Snake Plant is not exposed to direct sunlight, place it in a spot that receives bright and indirect sunlight or use a sheer curtain to filter the light.

How do I make sure my Snake Plant is not under-watered?

To make sure your Snake Plant is not under-watered, check the soil moisture levels regularly and water deeply when necessary.

Can Snake Plants be used for air purification?

Yes, Snake Plants are known for their air-purifying abilities, making them a great addition to any indoor space.

How do I make sure my Snake Plant is not suffering from root rot?

To make sure your Snake Plant is not suffering from root rot, make sure to use well-draining soil and avoid overwatering the plant.

Can Snake Plants be grown hydroponically?

Yes, Snake Plants can be grown hydroponically, but they may require additional care and maintenance to thrive.

How do I ensure my Snake Plants are free from pests and diseases before bringing them home?

Inspect your Snake Plants for pests or signs of disease before bringing them home, and make sure to purchase them from a reputable nursery or garden center.

How do I make sure my Snake Plant is not over-fertilized?

To make sure your Snake Plant is not over-fertilized, use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer and follow the recommended dosage on the package.