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Daffodil Flower Bulbs

Daffodil Flower Bulbs

Result: 32 products.
Result: 32 products. Are you looking for some eye-catching gifts for your loved ones? Then our daffodil flower bulbs are the perfect choice for you. You may give these flowers. . . read more >


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    Original price ₹ 1,440
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    Dazzling Daffodil (12 Bulbs Pack)

    Description This pack contain 12 bulbs of Daffodil of different variety. About: You will enjoy the different colors of different flowers Multicolo...

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    ₹ 1,359
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About Daffodil Flower Bulbs

Are you looking for some eye-catching gifts for your loved ones? Then our daffodil flower bulbs are the perfect choice for you. You may give these flowers to your acquaintances to strengthen your bond or to your close friends to invoke a pleasant reminder of you. Just the mere sight of these flowers will do the trick for you.

Daffodils look great everywhere; you can place them on your lawn or your living room to elevate the charm of that area. If you put it indoors, you will feel rejuvenated as daffodil flower bulbs are also known to transmit positive vibes and refresh the entire room with their pleasant odor and serene beauty.

Daffodil flower bulbs belong to a family of perennial flowers that bloom in early spring and are collectively called spring bloomers. It does not need much water and evenly distributes nutrients to its neighbouring plants leading to overall growth.

Daffodil flower bulbs also attract early pollinators, helping your plants nearby to pollinate and bear fruits early. Just place a daffodil bulb along the dripline of the fruit tree and see the astounding fruit-bearing tendency of your plant. Also, daffodil bulbs can be used as fertilizer for other plants after they wilt.

Some daffodil flower bulbs help in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and even help alleviate cancer symptoms. But most flowers are used for ornamental purposes. Horticulturists and gardeners treasure them due to the multiple uses it offers to human beings.

Nurserylive boasts a vast collection of daffodil flower bulbs that comes in charming colors of yellow, white, peach, and more. We also have some endemic varieties, including one with a horn-shaped bulb seated on a colorful star-shaped background. Every plant you purchase from Nurserylive comes with detailed plant care instructions along with real-time guidance from our in-house plant experts.

Types of daffodils

Daffodils are a popular type of spring-flowering bulb that come in many different varieties. From traditional yellow daffodils to pink and white variations, there's a daffodil for every taste.

Daffodil planting

Planting daffodils is a simple and rewarding task. With a little bit of planning and the right technique, you can enjoy a beautiful display of daffodils in your garden every spring.

Daffodil care

Once your daffodils are planted, it's important to take care of them properly. This includes watering them regularly, fertilizing them when needed, and protecting them from pests and diseases.

Daffodil bulbs

Daffodil bulbs are the key to growing beautiful daffodils. They come in many different sizes and varieties, and should be planted in the fall for best results.

Daffodil propagation

If you're looking to increase your daffodil collection, propagation is a great option. This involves dividing existing bulbs and planting them in new locations.

Daffodil symbolism

Daffodils are a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings. They're often associated with spring and the renewal of life.

Daffodil arrangements

Daffodils are a popular flower for arrangements and bouquets. Their bright yellow color and unique shape make them stand out in any arrangement.

Daffodil bulbs for sale

If you're looking to purchase daffodil bulbs, there are many options available. You can find them at your local garden center, online, or through mail order catalogs.

Daffodil planting tips

To ensure your daffodils thrive, it's important to follow some basic planting tips. These include selecting the right location, planting at the right depth, and using the right soil.

Daffodil varieties

There are over 50 different types of daffodils to choose from. Some of the most popular varieties include the classic yellow daffodil, the white Thalia daffodil, and the pink and white Ice Follies daffodil.

Daffodil diseases

Like any plant, daffodils are susceptible to diseases. Common diseases include crown rot, bulb rot, and yellow stripe virus. It's important to identify and treat these diseases early to prevent damage to your bulbs.

Daffodil pests

Daffodils can also be affected by pests such as aphids, thrips, and slugs. Proper care and management can help prevent infestations and protect your bulbs.

Daffodil pruning

After your daffodils have finished blooming, it's important to prune them properly. This helps promote healthy growth and ensures they'll bloom again next year.

Daffodil container gardening

If you don't have space for a traditional garden, daffodils can be grown in containers. This is a great option for patios, balconies, and other small spaces.

Daffodil naturalizing

Daffodils can be left to naturalize in your garden, which means they'll spread and multiply on their own. This creates a beautiful and low-maintenance display.

Daffodil forcing

If you want to enjoy daffodils indoors before they bloom outside, forcing is a great option. This involves chilling the bulbs for several weeks before planting them in pots.

Planting Daffodil Bulbs in Containers

Daffodils are easy-to-grow spring-flowering bulbs that can be planted in containers and placed on patios or balconies for a pop of color. Learn how to properly plant daffodil bulbs in containers and care for them to ensure a beautiful display in the spring.

Daffodil Bulbs for Landscaping

Daffodils are a great addition to any landscape, providing a bright and cheerful display in the spring. Learn about the different types of daffodil bulbs that are best for landscaping, as well as tips for planting and caring for them.

Miniature Daffodil Bulbs

If you're short on space, miniature daffodil bulbs are a great option for adding color to your garden or containers. Learn about the different varieties of miniature daffodil bulbs, as well as planting and care tips.

Double Daffodil Bulbs

Double daffodil bulbs are prized for their large, showy blooms and come in a variety of colors. Learn how to plant and care for double daffodil bulbs, as well as design ideas for incorporating them into your landscape.

Daffodil Bulbs for Naturalizing

Daffodils are a popular choice for naturalizing, as they multiply quickly and require little maintenance. Learn about the best daffodil bulbs for naturalizing, as well as tips for planting and care.

Daffodil Bulbs for Cut Flowers

Daffodils make great cut flowers, with their long stems and cheerful blooms. Learn about the best daffodil bulbs for cut flowers, as well as tips for growing and arranging them.

Daffodil Bulbs for Indoor Forcing

Daffodil bulbs can be forced indoors for an early burst of spring color. Learn about the best daffodil bulbs for indoor forcing, as well as tips for planting and care.

Daffodil Bulbs for Container Gardening

Daffodil bulbs are well-suited for container gardening, as they can be grown in pots on patios or balconies. Learn about the best daffodil bulbs for container gardening, as well as tips for planting and care.

Daffodil Bulbs for Rock Gardens

Daffodils are a great addition to rock gardens, providing a pop of color in early spring. Learn about the best daffodil bulbs for rock gardens, as well as tips for planting and care.

Daffodil Bulbs for Companion Planting

Daffodils make great companion plants, helping to deter pests and attract beneficial insects. Learn about the best daffodil bulbs for companion planting, as well as tips for designing your garden.


What are Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs are a type of bulb that produces beautiful, trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of yellow, white, and orange. They are easy to grow and are a popular choice for spring gardens.

When should I plant Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs should be planted in the fall, typically from September to November in India, before the ground freezes.

Where should I plant Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs should be planted in a well-draining soil that receives full sun or partial shade. They are ideal for planting in borders, rock gardens, and containers.

How deep should I plant Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs should be planted at a depth of about 6 inches (15 cm), with the pointed end facing up.

How far apart should I plant Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs should be planted about 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) apart.

How long does it take for Daffodil flower bulbs to bloom?

Daffodil flower bulbs typically take about 2-3 years to bloom after they are planted.

How long do Daffodil flowers bloom for?

Daffodil flowers typically bloom for about 2-3 weeks in the spring.

How do I care for Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs require little care, but they should be watered regularly and fertilized in the fall and spring. They should also be divided every 4-5 years to prevent overcrowding.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in pots?

Yes, Daffodil flower bulbs can be grown in pots as long as the pot has proper drainage and the soil is well-draining.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown indoors?

Yes, Daffodil flower bulbs can be grown indoors in pots, but they require a period of cold dormancy before they can bloom.

Can Daffodil flowers be used as cut flowers?

Yes, Daffodil flowers make great cut flowers and can last up to a week in a vase.

Are Daffodil flowers fragrant?

Some varieties of Daffodil flowers are fragrant, while others are not.

How do I propagate Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs can be propagated by dividing them in the fall, after they have finished blooming.

Are Daffodil flower bulbs toxic?

Yes, Daffodil flower bulbs are toxic if ingested and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in containers with other plants?

Some varieties of Daffodil flowers are fragrant, while others are not.

How do I propagate Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs can be propagated by dividing them in the fall, after they have finished blooming.

Are Daffodil flower bulbs toxic?

Yes, Daffodil flower bulbs are toxic if ingested and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other symptoms.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in containers with other plants?

Yes, Daffodil flower bulbs can be grown in containers with other plants, but they should be planted at a depth that allows the other plants to grow above them.

How do I store Daffodil flower bulbs?

Daffodil flower bulbs should be stored in a cool, dry place until they are ready to be planted in the fall.

How do I prevent pests from damaging my Daffodil flower bulbs?

Prevent pests from damaging your Daffodil flower bulbs by using natural pest control methods like neem oil and practicing good plant hygiene.

How do I prevent diseases from affecting my Daffodil flower bulbs?

Prevent diseases from affecting your Daffodil flower bulbs by planting them in well-draining soil, avoiding overwatering, and practicing good plant hygiene.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be used for natural dyeing Yes, Daffodil flower bulbs can be used for natural dyeing. The flowers and bulbs contain a yellow pigment called luteolin, which can be extracted and used to dye fabrics and fibers.?

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be used for natural dyeing Yes, Daffodil flower bulbs can be used for natural dyeing. The flowers and bulbs contain a yellow pigment called luteolin, which can be extracted and used to dye fabrics and fibers.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in hot climates?

Daffodil flower bulbs prefer cooler climates and may not thrive in hot climates. However, they can be grown successfully in areas with cooler temperatures and partial shade.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in sandy soil?

Daffodil flower bulbs can be grown in sandy soil as long as the soil is well-draining and the bulbs are not waterlogged.

How do I choose the right Daffodil flower bulbs to plant?

Choose Daffodil flower bulbs that are firm and free from mold or damage. Look for bulbs that are at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in clay soil?

Daffodil flower bulbs can be grown in clay soil as long as the soil is amended with organic matter to improve drainage.

How do I know when it's time to divide my Daffodil flower bulbs?

It's time to divide Daffodil flower bulbs when they become overcrowded and stop blooming. This typically occurs every 4-5 years.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in shade?

Daffodil flower bulbs prefer full sun or partial shade, but they may not bloom as well in full shade.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in acidic soil?

Daffodil flower bulbs prefer a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

Can Daffodil flower bulbs be grown in alkaline soil?

Daffodil flower bulbs can tolerate slightly alkaline soil, but they may not grow as well as they do in neutral to slightly acidic soil.

How do I prevent Daffodil flowers from drooping?

Prevent Daffodil flowers from drooping by cutting them at an angle and placing them in water immediately after cutting.

How do I make Daffodil flowers last longer in a vase?

Make Daffodil flowers last longer in a vase by changing the water every 2-3 days and adding a floral preservative to the water.